Sunday 24 August 2014

Top Netball Coaching Drills For Coaches

Netball Coaching Drills For Coaches
Any netball coach must know drills can be life saver and best way to teach players many varieties of skills which will be useful during the game. Finding such workable netball coaching drills is not that simple, but don’t worry here I have combine a great list of netball coaching drills.

Number Netball

Here we will start by dividing up the players into two groups and give each player in each group a number in increasing order (so 1, 2, 3 and so on).

One group becomes offenders & give the ball to player no. 1. Player with ball will pass that ball to 2nd one will passes to 3rd and so on.

Other group will become defender and they will try to get the ball during passing. As soon as they will get the ball they will become offensive team and other group will defensive team.

Triangle Defense

The player with the ball must then make a chest pass to either of the other two players making up the triangle and the defender must try to intercept the ball. Once the defender has successfully intercepted four balls the positions are rotated and the drill is repeated.

This is one of the great netball coaching drill that helps players to develop defense skill. It requires four players and one ball.

To set up for drill position three of players in triangle each standing about three meters apart and give ball to one of them.

Fourth player become the defender and opposite player with ball. The defender should stand in between other two players and slightly in front them.

The player with the ball must then make a chest pass to either of the other two players making up the triangle and the defender must try to intercept the ball. Once the defender has successfully intercepted four balls the positions are rotated and the drill is repeated.

Four Corner Pass

This drill is specially to help players with their passing skills and total 5 players need to perform.

Four players will stand in for corners of circle and fifth player will stand at the middle of them. Ball must be given to 5th player.

The attacker must then drive, cut and use the space around the square until they have passed and received from each of the other four players twice but they may not pass to the same player twice in a row.

Once completed, rotate the position and repeat the drill again.


Tuesday 19 August 2014

Killer Netball Passing Drills Guide

netball passing drills
Netball players must be master in passing as this is most important skill for all of them. If they are not able to pass ball quickly and more accurately then it is impossible to work as a team. So some of the working netball passing drills are collected to help players in order to learn in proper manner.

Dizzy Passing

To perform this put all players in a circle with passer as a center of that circle. Here we will need two ball one for passer and other for one who is in circle.

The passer will pass that ball exactly the player standing right to the player with the ball. Meanwhile player in circle pass that ball to the player in circle.

Repeat this till 2 rotations of circle happens. Then change the player in center and again follow the method.

4 Corner Pass

As name indicates we will need 4 players as one corner of square. A fifth player is who is attacking is placed in middle of that square.

Middle player must drive, cut, & use whole area inside square until they’ve passed and received from each corner two times. Here thing to remember is the attacking player must not pass the ball to the same player two times in a row.

Fast Hand

This drill is very helpful and well knows for making quick pass and helps to improve action/reaction time.

Here we will make pair of all players and provide one ball. Stand them by keeping some distance between then & facing each other. Here hand will be straight down. Now player with the ball quickly pass that ball to other player and second will catch the ball.

Next time role will get switched and action is repeated in many rounds as possible.

See Saw

This drill played between 3 players and one ball. It’s performed by pointing two players at the end of horizontal line of imaginary T. And at the vertical end paaser will stand.

Passer will pass that ball at the middle of thr T and player from one end will run and get that pass and pass back. Player will return to end and this time other player will try to get the ball.

After some time player will change positions and passer will stand on one end of the T.


Netball Training Drills You've Need To Try Them In Next Practice

Netball Training Drills
All netball teams must train on regular basis to work on all aspects of game and one of the most effective and working method is use of netball training drills.This is also useful for kids.

Here you will find many best netball training drills from internet. I have brought them together in one handy list so it can help use in next practice.

Drill #1

Our 1st drill need pairs of players and one ball for each one pair. This drill must be performed on courts that marked for tennis or volleyball.

First the feeder will make a chest pass to her right. The co-worker moves forward to it. Important thing to remember is worker runs onto the ball and does not stop to get it.

Continue to repeat this in speed for about 30 to 35 seconds and then ask them to change or switch positions. You may try some variation by changing sides, like this time left pass is performed.

Drill #2

This drill is well and most effectively known for improving speed and most important accuracy. It required 3 players and 2 balls. As above this will work great if performed on marked courts.

In this drill one is worker and 2 are feeders. The worker will get the ball from other two and then again give a chest pass by batting it back. After particular time, Let’s say 30 seconds they will change positions.

Drill #3

This netball training drill needs 6 players in total. 3 of them are attackers and other are defenders playing in one third of court with one ball. The layers must pass quickly and accurately to each other whilst making sure to never pass back to player that get the ball from. Focus on speed, agility, footwork and accuracy at all times and when ball gets intercepted by defender that players becomes attackers and vice versa.

To up the ante you can also bring in a second ball select a player with ball to pass 1st. That player then pass the ball the player who just release the ball gets free to catch the ball from the second thrower, who in turn.

This drill useful for improving awareness and agility. Also trains players to keep their minds active at all times while playing the game.


Monday 18 August 2014

Best Netball Drills for Your Loving Kids

Playing netball is one of the best ways to stay fit for your kids and teach them how to work as a team. Best way to improve your children’s netball basics is regular running netball drills that are designed for young players.

Below I have put a useful list of netball drills for your kids that are useful in teaching how to pass, defend, attack and everything else but are also tone of fun to do and they will be looking forward to their next netball practice.

Warm Up Drills 

It’s very important that children's warm up before playing netball to get their body limber and good blood circulation. A basic one but always effective drill for this is to have kids few laps along a oval ay a jogging place followed by some stretches including lunges, arm swings, torso twists, and hamstring.

Netball Tags

Netball tag is fun game that helps in more focus and maneuverability whilst on the court. To start divide them into teams and give ball to only one team.

The team with ball ‘tagged’ and must attempt to ‘tag’ the players on other side by touching them with netball. The game ends with when all players from other team have been ‘tagged’ and the last player remaining is declared as winner.

Pass and Catch

This is simple but extremely effective one. And help your kids to develop small accuracy and power while throwing the ball.

To start pair up all players and tell them to pass and catch the ball between them to some what fix numbers and stop it on reaching on particular number.

King Ball

Funny netball training drill that kids go nuts over. Divide them in two teams and make one player as king from both of them. The king from each team must stand on their bench.

Each team must try to get all players to become kings and standing on their teams bench. Players can become king by making a successful pass to team’s king without the king falling off of the bench whilst also abiding by the rules of netball at all time.

An interesting variation on King ball is to make it so that each player is only allowed to pass to their King after completing a certain number of passes beforehand.

To make it more interesting, you may try variation on king ball. To make it so that players is only allowed to pass to their kings after completing a certain number of passes beforehand.
