Tuesday 19 August 2014


Killer Netball Passing Drills Guide

netball passing drills
Netball players must be master in passing as this is most important skill for all of them. If they are not able to pass ball quickly and more accurately then it is impossible to work as a team. So some of the working netball passing drills are collected to help players in order to learn in proper manner.

Dizzy Passing

To perform this put all players in a circle with passer as a center of that circle. Here we will need two ball one for passer and other for one who is in circle.

The passer will pass that ball exactly the player standing right to the player with the ball. Meanwhile player in circle pass that ball to the player in circle.

Repeat this till 2 rotations of circle happens. Then change the player in center and again follow the method.

4 Corner Pass

As name indicates we will need 4 players as one corner of square. A fifth player is who is attacking is placed in middle of that square.

Middle player must drive, cut, & use whole area inside square until they’ve passed and received from each corner two times. Here thing to remember is the attacking player must not pass the ball to the same player two times in a row.

Fast Hand

This drill is very helpful and well knows for making quick pass and helps to improve action/reaction time.

Here we will make pair of all players and provide one ball. Stand them by keeping some distance between then & facing each other. Here hand will be straight down. Now player with the ball quickly pass that ball to other player and second will catch the ball.

Next time role will get switched and action is repeated in many rounds as possible.

See Saw

This drill played between 3 players and one ball. It’s performed by pointing two players at the end of horizontal line of imaginary T. And at the vertical end paaser will stand.

Passer will pass that ball at the middle of thr T and player from one end will run and get that pass and pass back. Player will return to end and this time other player will try to get the ball.

After some time player will change positions and passer will stand on one end of the T.

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